
Crunching big data with Python libraries.

Analyze and visualize data with Python, one of the fastest-growing programming languages, and the power of its libraries.


Explore an airline dataset and get the best deals.

We'll analyze data from airlines - everything from miles flown, passenger count, and take-off delays to inflight meals, entertainment, and wifi availability. Factors such as the day of the week, whether it's a weekend flight or not, the type of ticket purchased (coach or first-class), flight duration, and if it's a red-eye flight will also come under our study.

Practical and practice hands-on

We don't do bootcamps or courses. Once we kick off the project, it's all self-driven.

Real-world case learning

You might even learn some new things about how airlines make stonks!

Work with other students

If you get stuck along the way, the community is here to help.


Let's get started!

Join the Google chat group linked below, and check out the first message. I will see you there!

SAIS Hack Club

Providing SAIS students with an experience that inspires, educates, and develops future leaders in computer science.


HTML to React

Big data with Python (soon!)

AI writer assistant (soon!)

Work with Ethereum (soon!)

SAIS Hack Club is fiscally sponsored by Hack Club Bank, a project by The Hack Foundation (d.b.a. Hack Club), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 81-2908499).

Donate to support our mission today.

Copyright © 2023 SAIS Hack Club. All rights reserved.